Out at Home
Players: 3-10
Initial Deal: 3 cards down to each player, Four cards down to the table in Baseball Diamond formation.
Betting: Ante if Desired.
After Initial deal betting round. Then after each card set flip.
After Initial deal betting round. Then after each card set flip.
Play: Cards are flipped from the table one at a time starting with 'First Base' and ending at 'Home Plate' with a betting round after the deal and after each flip. If the last table card flipped is a face card, then the hand is dead, the remaining players (those that did not fold) re-ante, and a new hand is dealt. 3's and 9's are wild as in baseball. A four flipped on the table gets each remaining player an extra card. Wild cards may require an extra payment to the pot to make them wild and to sweeten the pot.
Winner: High Hand